Lakshmi Zen - Green - Calming Sensory Overload - Studying and Focus
Shower with Lakshmi zen to tame big moods, calm an over active mind and smooth the sensory system, to integrate new information without overwhelm and let go of information that is not for your highest good at times that require calm and focus.
To use your shower donut run your shower, hold your shower donut under the water and watch it expand. Take a deep breath, allow the scent of the essential oils to surround you and scoop up the foam and use it to cleanse, going back for more until the donut is all gone. This way your skin can also absorb the benefits of the flower essences, crystal and gem essences oils and salts. If you just want to enjoy the scent you can just put it on the floor of the shower and let it do it’s thing.
Vegan and Cruelty Free Organic Ingredients of Magnesium (Epsom Salts), Coconut Oil, Citric Acid, Sodium Bicarbonate, Bentonite Clay, Dead Sea Salts,100% Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils of Dill, Frankincense and Lavender, Flower Essences, Liquid Crystal Essences and Purified Water.